Logic mixtapes 2018
Logic mixtapes 2018

All of that applies, and yet I feel I haven’t quite put my finger on the pulse of why I want to go.

logic mixtapes 2018

I no longer have faith Singapore can provide the quality of life I want for me and my family in the decades to come. I’m hitting the “reset” button on my life. I could make it easier for them and for myself with obvious replies. What were the triggers or push factors? Why Canada? Something must have happened to make you want to leave … and so on. I find it hard to answer the questions that typically come up when I tell people I’m leaving Singapore. Any meaning distilled from these songs in this particular order has little to do with original intent and everything to do with me using my interpretations of these songs to say something. I heard each song at some point, somewhere, in my life. These songs were all written, produced, and performed by someone at some point, somewhere, in the 1980s. What adds to this deliberate mess is that I am not only the author of this mixtape I’m a listener too. Whatever listeners glean from the mixtape, it’s pretty much all them.

#Logic mixtapes 2018 free

In it, I am free to muddle through feelings and thoughts while presenting a concrete narrative that is not at all concrete and has no narrative logic or structure at all.

logic mixtapes 2018 logic mixtapes 2018

Music is a language both absolutely private and universal at the same time. (I know they’re called “playlists” now, but that dates you as much as “mixtape” dates me. Where to begin? Since I’ve been known to do mixtapes every now and then, let’s start there.

Logic mixtapes 2018